Social Robots

Jibo - 2018

Anki Vector - 2019

In 2017 Jibo made the cover of Time Magazine as one of the best inventions of the year. His unique and engaging personality made him the first social home robot. He could answer basic questions and had a set of fun and relationship-building behaviors, including telling jokes and greeting you when you came home. Jibo was shut down a year later. Many blamed the €900 price and the limited functionality compared with Google and Amazon’s smart home devices.

High-profile startup Anki released a much cheaper social robot, priced at €250. Vector, the truck-like robot, was a charming personality, a little mischievous, and unpredictable. He could recognize and remember you, play games, and get to know you over time. Despite great sales and generous funding, the company went out of business in 2019.

Consumer robotics is a difficult business because the products are expected to work perfectly and cost almost nothing. Another problem is that the initial fun and novelty quickly wears off and people lose interest.

Additional info:

The Robot Report - Jibo social robot: where things went wrong

Fast Company - One of the decade’s most hyped robots sends its farewell message

BBC - Family-friendly robot company Anki set to close


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