Pinky gloves


These plastic gloves allow women to remove tampons without getting blood on their hands and to discreetly dispose of them. The two male inventors pitched their idea to investors on Germany’s Shark Tank TV program. They understood women because they had once lived with a female housemate and noticed period products in the rubbish bin. Lucky for them celebrity investor Ralf Dümmel invested €35,000.

Unlucky for them: Women HATED the product. How could these men think this dumb product was revolutionary? How dare they try to shame women for being unclean while changing their tampons when 70% of men don't wash their hands after peeing at public toilets.

The male inventors realized their mistake and later apologized, “Please stop attacking and threatening us. The development of our product and our communication was not well thought out. People make mistakes - and you have to deal with mistakes, you have to learn from them and you should also be given the chance to work on mistakes.”

Additional info:

The Guardian - Pinky Gloves are just the latest ludicrous attempt to monetise the vagina

Huffpost - 3 Guys Created A Pink Glove For Disposing Tampons. Give Us Strength




Kent Micronite