Amazon Fire Phone


The gigantic online retailer Amazon had high expectations when they tried to enter the smartphone market. If anyone could succeed it would be Amazon. Their Fire Phone released in 2014 had 3D graphics and “Firefly”, a function that allowed people to scan products in stores to buy them at Amazon. Consumers did not like being locked into Amazon’s ecosystem, popular apps like Google Maps were not available, the 3D screen was gimmicky, and the »Buy« button was seen as a cynical way to get people to shop at Amazon. On top of its many faults, the phone was simply way too expensive, and its design and special features were unexciting.

Additional info:

Gizmodo - The Worst Gadget Amazon Ever Made Is Even Worse Than I Remember

Cnet - Why Amazon's smartphone flamed out

Wired - The Amazon Fire Phone Was Always Going to Fail


Phone Fingers


Microsoft Kin